Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week ending November 18 2012

I can’t believe it is the week of Thanksgiving.  Being this early makes it seem like it arrived very quickly.  We are having our dinner on Saturday with all the couples in Scotland.  We will all bring part of the dinner and so it is just a fun time together.  I have the turkey this year.  Yes, we can find turkey and like last year I will probably go for a butterfly turkey breast and give up my dark meat because the whole turkey is small and expensive.  The breast is actually larger, less expensive, and has no bones and so is easier to carve.

 It is arrival and departure week with our smallest group yet.  We have one going home and three coming in.  Still busy though because we have lots of transfers. 

 We had mutual Tuesday night but were home the rest of the week.  We had the sisters and the Hambelton’s for dinner Friday night and played games. 
Then on Saturday the sisters wanted to stay in town and so the Hambelton’s and us went to Glasgow to see the huge, oldest remaining  Catholic Cathedral in Scotland. During the reformation most Catholic Church's were desecrated or destroyed.  This one was defended by the merchants of the city and so remained.
The inside is huge and there are many wonderful stained glass windows.
Then we went to the School Museum to learn about school through the ages.  That was fun too and brought about memories of our growing up days.  How glad I am that I did not have to practice gas mask drill and evacuation every day at school.

Grandpa got in trouble at school so he had to wear the dunce cap for a while.

 We will be thinking of you all this week:  Happy Birthday Bruce and Amy;  Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.  May you find the most beautiful trees and have a wonderful dinner and time together with whomever you are spending the holiday with.  Next year I will be part of it again.

 Can you believe that we actually got to watch Max in action live playing basketball yesterday in Alaska.  He scored the first points.  We watched one quarter and then talked with him at the end of the game.  Isn’t technology wonderful.  Thanks John for including us in the event.  We hope the swim and skiing meets were as successful as Max’s team won all their games in the tournament.  Now he is on to swimming come Monday.

 Amy we hope that your trip to Canada has gone well, and that your dinner last night was wonderful  and the rest of the week goes well.

 Brittanie I am glad you got to go to the temple dedication.  What an experience!  One that I have never had.

 Glad to hear about gymnastics for Hallie and Brynn and Teigen is enjoying soccer.  Nathan also loves soccer and Brittanie just had her piano recital.  Peyton is golfing, Ethan is playing basketball, and Caleb is trying out lots of sports.  It is hard to remember when one season ends and others begin.  You are all growing up so fast.  Do you think we will know you when we get home?  I hope so.  Until next week.

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