Sunday, July 8, 2012

Week ending July 8, 2012

What a different two weeks it has been. We have said goodbye to President and Sister Griffiths and welcomed President and Sister Brown. We had goodbye party for the Griffiths on Monday, June 25h. We had a very lovely dinner with all the trimmings. Then Sister Graham had put together a "This is your Life" program using pictures and letters from various missionaries that was wonderful. She had made a Memory book with the padded binder covered with their tartan and the mission logo to put in all the letters and pictures that have been sent in.

The next part of the program was put on by Brother Patterson who used to be the Counselor in the Stake Presidency. He entertains professionally with Scottish and Irish Folk songs. He had also brought his daughter Jennifer along to play the accordion. It was wonderful and the evening was a total success except for the President receiving two phone calls that kept him from seeing most of the program and putting off the beginning of the meal for a few minutes.

There is a lot of work with the changing of the guard we discovered. All their contacts at Costco, Makro, and Bookers where we buy bulk food and paper items had to be changed to us since the New President wasn't here to have it in their name with their picture yet. We had to update all the contact papers, and picture boards, etc.

Thursday, we had a luncheon to celebrate Sister Griffith's Birthday and say goodbye to our cleaning lady Francis since it was her last day. That was also a wonderful meal with Bill grilling the pork chops.

Friday we said goodbye to The Griffiths and hello to the Browns and had our picture taken with both couples and the Grahams.

Saturday the Grahams and us got on the road at 6:00 A.M. and headed the scenic route to the Isle of Bute where Elder Graham spent several summers working when his mom lived on the Island. It is beautiful and the estate there is something to behold. It has only been opened 15 years and is in a Family Trust.

The guide began her tour with "I always love it when we enter the home and the crowd says wow! to all the marble and beauty there . That is exactly what we did. There were nine or ten different kinds of marble there.

 The man designed it was born the richest baby in the UK and he wanted only the most beautiful for the home. Even the hinges of the door were carved on in the main floor. It had a chapel that was exquisite. The wee garden was only 5 acres which we didn't even get around to seeing after exploring all the gardens around the home. They had fruit gardens, vegetable gardens, ponds with a waterfall, etc.

Also the cemetery area had a statue of the Christis like the one in the Visitors Center in SLC.

We had about a three minute ferry ride going over and a 35 minute one going back. It reminded me of the ones in Washington and Alaska and made me homesick.

We got home about 7:30 after a wonderful day with the Grahams.

Sunday we went to our meetings. We started another Teacher Development class during Sunday School and then YM/YW. We hurried home with just enough time to check on how Grandpa Grettenberg was doing and the nurse and Tom said it was only a matter of a short time. Then we went to the mission home to prepare dinner for the President and Sister Brown in their own home which they found amusing. President Brown wanted to set a time for him to meet with each of us in the office and the AP's and so we suggested this way. Again Elder Rasmussen used his grilling skills to do Turkey Steaks. I had frozen roll dough from the Thursday meal and we took that out and had hot rolls, potatoes, green beans, peas, carrots, and Apple Crumble and ice cream, and fresh fruit which is served as a dessert. Then President visited with each one of us for about 15 minutes individually.

By the time we reached home, Grandpa Grettenberg had passed away. Bill had planned on going over when we learned he was slipping fast on Friday night. He was going to visit with President Brown on Sunday and planned on leaving Wednesday which was the soonest he felt he could leave the New President and his work since he is the one that arranges transportation for them. He was going for a little over a week and I was going to stay here. When we learned Sunday that he was already incoherant, Bill felt he wouldn't go since he could view the service over Skype and Tom said Donna was planning everything.

Monday was a training day--teaching the President all he needs to do here since his training had nothing to do with the day by day things to run the office. He also met with people and went shopping. Sister Brown is a bit overwhelmed but doing fantastic.

Tuesday was their first all-day meeting with the Zone leaders. Sister Graham and I took over the meal which consisted of Taco Soup and trimmings, carrot sticks, rolls that were prebaked only needed browning, making Costco Brownies, setting the table and serving it. As you can see, not hard at all for 24 people. We managed that with our usual work.

Tuesday evening it was off to Falkirk for a baptism interview for Bill and then Mutual in which Sister Meads had called and said none of the YW would be there while Bill was in interviewing. So when we got there we only had two boys there. It worked out great because the Branch President was able to interview them for Temple trip and then we took them home and picked up their two sisters whom I had been wanting to have time with and we took them and their brothers out to eat. All four were from one family and we have had problems with the Young Women and another Young Woman. It was a miracle the way things worked out.

Wednesday the President and Sister Brown were off to Ireland for the rest of the week. It was the 4th of July and we were cleaning carpets in a flat here that the new office sister will live in that are arriving the 14th of July. It is the same one we painted a couple of weeks ago. See what a variety of experiences you get on a mission.

For lunch that day Sister and Elder Connelly came over and fixed us lunch that they had left over from FHE on Monday. So we had a wonderful 4th of July with good ole hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad, baked beans, apple pie and ice cream and root beer which you can't find here but Hambeltons got from the Army Base in England from friends.

Thursday continued our different week with starting the morning after devotional with our regular work and then going through the odds and ends that you never have time to do in getting ready to teach someone else to take over your job. Today is the day I came up with an idea for the Grahams farewell party. I am going to make them a scrapbook with the cover to resemble a kilt. We will have all the missionaries send in their memories of the Grahams to put in it. Then we will make placemats from our favorite picture of Scotland/Ireland and have ASDA (our name for Walmart over here) make the placemats. Then we will have a meal and an informal evening sharing our memories. It will be easy and informal which is what they want.

Thursday evening we were able to be a part of the memorial service for Grandpa Grettenberg through Skype. Julie and Jace were the first two we saw when they were setting it up before the service.

Laura and Enock did the service and they did a wonderful job. It was nice they could do it. Bill and our family did Grandma Grettenberg's funeral and Laura and Enock Grandpa's so that was great. We are so appreciative of Skype in being able to be part of these important events taking place at home.

We are grateful for the sacrifice of you pooling miles and letting Julie go to represent the family. Thanks Scott and Craig for your willingness to have gone also. It means a lot to Bill. Missions are hard in that respect also. Who would have guessed he would be gone by the time we got home when we left. Glad we were able to have gone to see him with John Paul just before we left to come and for the calls we were able to make while over here. It won't be the same without him when we return. Who knows what will happen to the home and land.

Friday was “finish our regular work” and then clean the garage, with a run to the recycling center to get rid of a few things. Then we did our cleaning of the office that we have now inherited since Frances was released from that job with the change of a new Presidency and their desires.

We have had rain and cloudy days all week. We saw more sun in the winter than we are seeing now. It has been in the high fifties and low sixties temperature wise for daytime temperatures. You have a tendency to be depressed if you do not keep busy and do things. At least we are not experiencing the severe flooding that England is experiencing. We wonder how it is going for the Fannings and Kara. Pocatello we would be having fires and smoky conditions as we have learned about 70 homes and many other buildings have burned. Rain and clouds are not so bad.

Saturday Bill worked on his preparation for the written driving test on Tuesday. Then we went shopping for the things I needed to make the scrapbook which I found at a Charity Shop in Dumfirmline. Yes Adell, it is a good place to find things isn't it. We then went to Falkirk to attend the baptism of Craig. It was a wonderful experience and the spirit was strong.

July 8th Mom and Dad's Anniversary. This would have been their 65th Year together here on earth. It is long for here, but short in the realm of Eternity.

We love the work, the experiences we are having, and the beauty of the land and people. This is the place for us to be now at this time. We love you all and miss you so much. Thanks for the pictures, emails, and Skype.   We are anxious to hear about your week. We tried calling many times on your Saturday afternoon but the first time all we could hear were children's voices and couldn't get anyone to talk to us. After that we couldn't get through. It was either busy or no one answered. We imagined you out having the parade and hope you took some pictures to share. Be safe going home and we will speak to you later.

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