It is getting harder and harder to come up with something new to write about, but I will try. We taught Teacher Preparation class today. I was one of the presenters and my topic was teaching techniques for different age groups. I only had 10 minutes, and that was the hard part. But I guess it went O.K.. Then I was supposed to teach Young Women’s about “Being a Homemaker”. The Branch President came in and said he needed to speak to the Young Women and so he moved my lesson until next week--one more week to prepare, which is just fine for me.
We went for our usual walk after we got home. Spring is showing signs of its arrival. It is 49 degrees, the sun was shining and we saw Lilly of the Valley and other yellow and purple flowers all over the place. The grass has stayed partly green all the time but looks brighter now. We have had a mild winter.
Yesterday we walked out to start on our Saturday adventure only to find a flat tire. So we spent the first hour and a half changing it and taking to a tire shop. At the shop they discovered the side of the tire had a large hole in it and so we needed a new tire. Since we had to be back and to the Stake Center by 7 p.m. for the Worldwide Leadership Training, we cancelled our plans for the day and went to plan “B”.
Bill humored me and took me second hand store shopping. I had specific items in mind and we knew that Dunfermline had lots of stores in just a few blocks. I found everything on my list but the ceramic birdie that goes in the Steak pie. I wanted three doilies about a foot in diameter--we walked in one place and that was the first thing I saw. Three exactly alike, look brand new, and for one price for all three. I found a couple of blouses and skirts. I got a picture frame I wanted. It was a miraculous shopping trip.
We helped set up a visit for our colleague with the Hambeltons, the Employment Specialists, to prepare her job application. They spent 2 1/2 hours with her. Hopefully it will lead to an interview and then a full time job. She is getting exposure to the church a little at a time in an unusual way.
That is about all I can think of for this week. Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you! I love you so much and pray for you. May God continue to bless you.
I have friend from my mission that his son just received his call to the Scotland/Ireland mission. Not sure if your area covers this, but he will be a great missionary cause his Dad was one of the best. His name is Josh Tinsley so you will have to keep your eyes out for him. Enjoy reading your blog. Sure you have seen Seth's, but if not here is his address.